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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第26章 尤哥特

第26章 尤哥特 (第1/2页)

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Ling Ling's laughter woke Li Nuowei, who had been trapped in her own strange circle of thoughts, as if in a dream. Li Nuowei looked at Lingling in a cold sweat, “boss, how long have I been here?”

``time means nothing here.'' Linlin said with a smile, ``chenghui, hard candy flavored fruit strawberry, 5 cents.''

Li Nuowei was dumbfounded and paid the money. he walked toward the store door with a wicked grin on his face, not knowing if he had paid anything other than 50 cents.

\we look forward to working with you next time.\ After loading various products into the store, mr. wei Jiang came back from outside the house, carefully opened the store door for Li Guowei, and sent him out.

“brother wei, please…” Li Nuowei was about to say thank you, but felt his eyes bee cloudy. the upper and lower parts of wei Jiang's face were clearly moving, as if they had been cut out. At the same time, the other person's face also changed. It was no longer the pure and kind person he had seen before, but with a fiercely red face, eyes wide with anger, and a pair of sharp daggers sticking out of its mouth. Seeing this scene, Li Nuwei suddenly trembled, his mood became confused, and he forgot his speech.

the world of 1117,000: the physical dimension (Updated)

wei Jiang seemed to feel something and was a little surprised. he waved his hand gently in front of Li Nuowei, “Are you okay?”

Li Nuowei subconsciously dodged, and in the blink of an eye, when he saw wei Jiang again, everything normal seemed to have never appeared before. his breathing became a little faster, and he immediately said again, “Goodbye, brother wei,” and panicked. open the store door.

Stepping out of the store, Li Nuwei noticed that the surrounding scenery had pletely changed.

the surrounding environment is dark and depressing. Strangers of flesh and blood built buildings and streets. biological pipes are tied to street lights. their eyes are light bulbs. on both sides of city roads, the smell of decay replaced the scent of flowers. A rustling noise without a trace became this...the only sound left in the dead city.

\this... where is this? why does the city look like this?\ Li Nuwei didn't know where he was, but judging from the surrounding environment, this was the first time he had experienced it. It felt like a city, but here, instead of the steel and concrete he was used to seeing, everything was replaced by flesh and blood.

Li Nuowei suddenly remembered the sweet and astringent taste that remained in his mouth after digesting the candy in his mouth, and remembered what Ling Ling had said to him before.

“Is this the real world?” Li Nuowei looked around at the scenery so terrifyingly and curiously that the fear in his heart increased.

Li Nuowei took a deep breath. I wanted to escape from this place and return to the reality I wanted to return to. he wanted to find drake, and they wanted to save the city of Rukako, which is in great danger, and protect the innocent people of the city. people

he walked the streets of the city with patches of sensitive skin on his back, constantly looking around and occasionally shouting.

Li Nuowei also called out drake's name at first, but after a long call, there was no response. So he called others who knew the names of his parents, but still couldn't find anything.

Li Nuowei stopped. he saw a street lamp hanging high on a lamp post and suddenly felt the urge to hang himself from that high place.

Let's do it again... Li Nuowei wanted to use the ability to return from the dead to \initialize\ directly, and hoped that after being reborn, the terrifying scenery in front of him would also disappear.

he pulled out the creature's intestines from a streetlight, tied a hanging knot with the slime's intestines, and was about to hang himself from a southeast streetlight when a hand appeared without warning and stopped him from mitting suicide.

\people?\ Li Nuowei suddenly turned around and saw an unattractive young man looking at him with interest.

Li Nuowei took a step back and looked at the strange young man in front of him with suspicion, \who are you?\

\my name is xin Junmao.\ the young man ignored Li Nuowei's warning. In fact, he looked a little surprised and said with a big smile, ``I didn't expect to see anyone else here besides me.''

\what do you mean?\ Li Nuowei was still alert after hearing the other party's name, and asked, \why are you here? where are you?\

\I am originally a man, but my state of existence is a little different,\ xin Junmao explained with a smile. \this is the living dimension. I named it so. It is between the real world and the otherworldly dimension. here everything is in sync with the real world, and it is the same as we see reality. It's a different form, so it can also be called the afterlife.

the reason why I am here is that something terrible happened and I came here in a dream. ”

Li Nuowei noticed that there was a trace of bitterness between xin Junmao's eyebrows, as if the other party had experienced a painful experience that they would never forget. the person on the other end plained, ``my name is xin Junmao. I owe money to someone, and I am repaying a portion of it. And I, Li, became what he is now.''

\what do you think? I've been ing here for a long time. this is not a place you can e in casually.\ xin Junmao asked back.

Li Nuowei hesitated for a moment and said, \I don't know how you teleported here. can you tell me how to escape?\

After hearing Li Nuwei's words, xin Jun mao looked at Li Nuwei for a while, then seemed to confirm the other party's identity, and nodded and said, \the way out of here is also very easy. You just need to run to here. \said. \Go beyond the city limits. If you don't want to waste your energy, I remend finding a streetlight and hanging it up like before. that way, even if you die, you can wake up.\

Li Nuowei took a deep breath and said, \It's like a dream.\

``It's like a dream now.'' xin Junmao replied, ``the method of awakening is naturally the same.''

“okay, I’ll give it a try.” Li Nuowei nodded, took a deep breath, and turned his head straight toward the city limits.

he didn't want to mit suicide. First of all, he was afraid of being trapped. Second, if there is a way to get out of here without dying, why would he mit suicide?

\wait a minute,\ xin Junmao stopped Li Nuowei who was about to leave and said, \Are you sure you're leaving like this? Forget it, I really don't want to be here today. I'll take you away. this is still here.\ said. there are some strange taboos. ”

Li Nuowei paused on the ground for two seconds, then stepped back towards xin Junmao and said, “okay, thank you very much.”

xin Junmao saw Li Nuowei’s disbelief and didn’t care. while slowly walking around the city with Li Nuwei, he continued to \popularize science\ for Li Nuwei. has some special rules.

First of all, don't make any noise here. As you can see, there are almost no people here. Anyone who can get in here is out of luck. Just because there are no humans doesn't mean other life doesn't exist. Life here is quiet; any noise is an attack for them. If there is an attack, there will naturally be a counterattack. don't worry, we humans can't beat them. ”

As he spoke, he pointed to a famous brand clothing store with an unknown vein running through it. In the store in another world, all the mannequins and dolls in the store were rotten and distorted. they wore fancy organ leather skirts, thick gut belts, and shoes. bubbles that bravely breathe into.

when Li Nuowei took a closer look, he found that the model doll was actually alive. ?

\Indeed, dead things can give meaning to living things. In fact, they are alive here.\ Seeing Li Nuowei's surprised expression, xin Junmao said, \Such a costume. \the doll is still alive,\ she said with a smile. Shrines have dolls and statues of gods.

xin Junmao continued, \Secondly, don't eat food here, drink water here, and it's better to stay away from water in this world, they are also alive.\

“Finally, please don’t vent your negative emotions here. Absolutely not,” xin Junmao said solemnly to Li Nuowei.

A hole in the world of 118,000 people

\what happens if you can't control your negative emotions?\ Li Nuowei asked carefully and curiously.

\he will be a very fragrant and charming person,\ xin Junmao said tastefully.

Li Nuowei was silent for a moment. while walking with xin Junmao, he sometimes received careful care from xin Junmao. Seeing the honest and unhypocritical attitude of others, he let his guard down.

walking through the city's lowlands, where there are few tall buildings, Li Nuwei suddenly noticed that the place was full of red and black colors, like a wrinkled red curtain. there were many gaps in the sky, large and small. Each space had a dark green line, as if trying to open it or close it. he couldn't help but be surprised and pointed to the hole and asked, \what is this?\

“this is a space passage.” xin Junmao’s eyes had a slightly plicated expression, “I said that there are other ordinary animals in this world. the world in which we humans live, other races in the universe can also summon them through rituals. but there are other extreme animals that are \dominating, greedy, and rulers of this world.\ No matter who you call into this world, in the end only this ruler will respond.

this hole is an ``unhealed'' space passage that was forcibly opened by the ruler of this world to prevent the passage from closing when a summoning ritual was performed on the other side and the space passage was opened. ”

``Since you can open a passage, why don't you dig directly from a certain passage?'' Li Nuowei felt a little unbelievable and surprised at the master's power to open even time and space with ``brutal force.'' .

xin Junmao: \that's why I said that the other person was greedy. the master is so great. why did I say before that you shouldn't drink the water of this world, much less go near the water of this world? did you know? the water in this world is actually the main body of the overlord, and the water in the entire world is connected from the surface and underground, and you can imagine it if you think about the area that the ocean occupies on the surface of the earth in the real world.overlord is great.

this greedy man wants to open all the space channels in the sky so that his body in this world can reach every place in the universe at the same time. he is trying to directly devour all life in the universe. ”

Li Nuwei was shocked by these words and asked the other person how he knew this.

xin Junmao smiled and said: “I have a delicious ‘friend,’ as he once explained to me.”

Li Nuowei was very curious about xin Junmao's friend, but did not pursue the question. Instead, he considered another question: \maybe we can escape through the Space Strait?\

“that young man is very insightful.” xin Junmao joked, shook his head, and said, “Yes, there is a cosmic passage on the border of this city, but the cosmic passage in this world is very It's strange. Usually there's only an animal spiritual consciousness outside, or just an animal.'' the soul can enter here, and the more 'torn' the body is, the more it actually It is better to be a dead life. As long as there is space in the spatial channels near these lives, it is easy for the soul to enter. here.

So I guess the reason you can appear here is because there is probably a hole near the real world where you are, and perhaps you are not feeling well, so you have a chance to e here. ”

Is there a \hole\ near where I am?

Is there a teleportation channel near Ruka port castle?

Li Nuwei's whole body felt like an electric shock, and she trembled. this is what he thought. could this hole refer to a spatial passageway left behind by the island's ancestors after performing a ritual to summon a sea monster? does that mean...the beings inside the sea monsters are the rulers of this other world?

Li Nuwei guessed that he might discover the truth, and not only was he not excited to see the sun and moon after the fog cleared, but it actually intensified the fear and confusion in his heart. he was going crazy.

\we are here.\ xin Junmao pointed to the entrance and exit of the expressway station where his flesh and blood were connected. At the back of the entrance was an irregular semi-circular space resembling a tunnel, but the inside of the tunnel was dark and the end could not be seen at first glance.

Around this gap was a dark green line that had been torn out of the ground. the source was unknown.

Looking into the dark tunnel, Li Nuowei's heart pounded. he suddenly didn't know if he should go inside, much less what would happen if he did.

At the same time, after seeing those dark green lines in the distance, Li Nuwei thought that the presence of the sea monster under the air raid shelter in Liuhua port was due to the soul-eating mud and these dark green irregular lines. I became more and more convinced that they were the same. . .

Li Nuwei already fully understands how scary this is. Now, asking you to rush into a \tunnel\ supported and protected by dark green lines would be the same as asking you to go deep into a dragon's pond or a tiger's den.

then he could also cut himself.

Li Nuowei looked left and right, trying to find props that would make her death more normal.

\don't be afraid, run with me.\ xin Junmao noticed that Li Nuowei was embarrassed, patted him on the back and forted him, \the worst is to die once.\

Li Nuwei quietly looked at the other person and felt that this person's brain was actually no different from his own, and that he was probably a little sick.

Seeing that the other party was so trusting, Li Nuwei decided to trust the other party for once. Anyway, even if you die, you can still e back. If the other person hurts you, you may kill the other person after returning.

``Follow closely.'' xin Junmao observed the area around the tunnel for a while, and after confirming that nothing was wrong, he quickly whispered, ``Run,'' and led Li Nuowei into the cave.


the moment the two approached the cave, a long, unknown object resembling a dark green line suddenly moved, stretching out its arms and enveloping them.

Li Nuowei stared at xin Junmao who was running in front of her. he wanted to know how the other person could handle such a situation.

however, xin Junmao just continued to lead the way without making a single move, and seemed to have no intention of resisting at all.

Just when Li Nuowei was disappointed, xin Junmao's back suddenly swelled up like an enlarged paw. the meat wall of the meatball burst open, spewing out a fragrant suspension, and an infinitely extending arm sprouted from within the meat. he reached out from the ball, grabbed the dark green \line,\ and tore it apart. then the head of the arm turned back into a large mouth and swallowed all the torn \lines\.

As Li Nuowei watched in amazement at the strange sight, he saw the body of a faceless woman with a beautiful face sprouting from the paw pads. he wanted to create great sadness, so his long face gradually revealed a mouth and torn skin.

111 real world

Seeing how xin Junmao’s body suddenly transformed, Li Nuowei’s eyes were a little different, but she wasn’t too surprised.

I realized that this child was no longer a normal person. how could a normal person like me show up here and be so knowledgeable about everything here?

Suddenly, large bundles of darker green thread were blown in all directions. they shined a light and tried to pull everything out of the depths of despair.

xin Junmao immediately stopped. he might want to coldly say, \You're first,\ but he didn't expect that Li Nuwei would relentlessly run ahead of him and break through the curtain of black light inside the tunnel. Suddenly, a figure disappeared.

“haha, interesting new friend.” xin Junmao smiled and was not angry. he looked back at the faceless female body emerging from his back and watched as the female monster swelled and split before his eyes. \hurry up and eat. Let's think of it as dinner tonight.\

the female monster seemed to have received some exciting instructions. the rate of division quickly accelerated, and in the blink of an eye, it became a huge mass that covered the limbs of a human being. the mass tore open several large mouths and gnawed at all the threads that came close. Jun mao was surrounded by the arms of thousands of magnificent white women and devoured among the monsters, ignoring the battle.

Li Nuwei fell into the void, and after falling into darkness for several tens of seconds, his soul finally returned to his body.

he flashed back to the moment when he was waiting at drake's bedside after he was hospitalized.

Li Nuowei opened his eyes with some difficulty. the blood was brighter than the sun, as if it were burning in his eyes. his eyes rolled instinctively with burning tears. For a moment, I couldn't stop crying.

\hmm... Li Nuowei?\ derek got up from the hospital bed and saw Li Nuowei sitting by the hospital bed, only to find Li Nuowei sitting next to him weakly. Noticed. he rubbed his eyes and nose. his sense of smell gradually returned. when he looked, he saw that Li Nuowei was bleeding, his eyes covered. blood spurted from his eyes. \why is there blood?\

“It’s okay, it’s a small problem,” Li Nuwei answered through gritted teeth. I didn't know if this was an adverse effect of the cycle of death, or if the \strawberry-flavored candy\ I ate was the bitter fruit I had planted myself.

At that moment, the hospital was in chaos, with fire alarm bells ringing throughout the building and screams heard from the floors above. Everyone in the hospital building panicked, no one paying attention to Lee Noway and dre, who were acting strange. grams.

Li Nuwei took a basket of tissues from the bedside table next to her hospital bed and forcefully pulled it out to wipe away the blood and tears.

Fortunately, the blood and tears didn't last long and dried quickly.

Li Nuwei could only feel moff's blood in front of her eyes and was worried that she had lost her eyesight, but she soon realized that her eyes were not blind, but broken. I realized that.

the world he saw was no longer the everyday world, but a scene from the physical dimension that he had once experienced. he looked at the tissue in his hand.

other than touch and smell, I couldn't tell that it was an item for wiping blood or tears. because to his eyes, the tissue in his hand looked like the fresh skin of an unknown animal.

\Are you sick?\ Seeing Li Nuowei stunned, derek was very worried about what happened outside, but he couldn't help but ask with concern. the whole hospital was in a panic.

Li Nuowei saw derek sitting on the hospital bed with a bloody face. he nodded. \It's okay, let's go.\

\Agreed,\ derek said, quickly getting out of bed.

Afterwards, the two got back into the shared car safely. during the drive, drake repeated words that Re-Novi had heard several times in various incarnations.

drake suggested exploring the bomb shelter. Li Nuowei remembered his experience with drake during the previous reincarnation line, and quickly gave up on the idea of going to explore the island again, but agreed with drake's idea of deciphering the air raid shelter. idea

Li Nuowei looked out the car window. the world before his eyes was always depicted in the dimension of flesh and blood. I was able to confirm that this is a view that cannot be seen in the real world. All he could see was a cruel world of moldy lakes of flesh and blood.

“If I had known, I should have eaten another snack.” Li Nuowei secretly sighed. Now everything positive in his eyes has bee dilapidated and rotten. most of the people on the road cannot keep their original appearance. he wasn't even sure if these strange men with heads growing out of their navels were actually human.

drake looked equally strange to him. Even though he had the appearance of a human, his appearance was extremely close to that of a zombie who was on the verge of losing his mind. her white skin had clear blue and purple veins. his eyes were black and his mouth was open. It had a black, rotting mouth with yellow, worn teeth.

Although these strange phenomena only appeared in Li Nuowei's eyes, the actual appearance of things had not changed at all, and Li Nuowei felt that the problem was with himself.

this is probably the result of eating strawberry-flavored candy. he saw the true cruel world that boss Lin talked about.

Li Nuowei calmly and calmly once again confessed his abilities and important experiences of various reincarnation lines to drake, and informed the other party about the dangers of going to the air raid shelter.

``divine ability, can two divine abilities exist at the same time in this small Liuhua port?'' drake said with a wry smile, ``I really don't know what kind of F-level investigation mission I was assigned to.''

Li Nuowei said with a smile. \If you plete this mission, obtain useful information, and survive this incident, you will definitely be able to jump the levels and be promoted directly to the rank of professional mystery investigator.\professional mystery Investigator, In other words, they are called mystery investigators of d level or higher. behind these levels of mysterious investigators are often prestigious professional organizations, such as occult groups.

derek laughed coldly and finally sighed again, \how could it be so easy?\

Li Nuowei has repeated it thousands of times, so you can imagine the difficulty of this unusual event.

\then do you want to continue with the investigation or give up?\ Li Nuowei asked.

drake was silent for a moment. pared to death, not being able to discover the truth before dying and solving the case will be the real ending for him. It would be a natural death if he died while investigating the case.

``continue investigating!'' derek took a deep breath, suddenly turning the wheel and driving towards the center of town.

\where are you going?\ Li Nuowei was curious. he didn't expect drake to make any other choice. he did not choose between landing on the island or descending into an air raid shelter.

\please go to Ruka twelve Street again,\ drake said solemnly.

122 Second ing museum

It was already midnight when we arrived at Liuhua twelve Street again, and it was 1am.

In this city where nightlife culture is not popular, after 9 o'clock, the lights are turned off and the stalls close their doors. At one o'clock in the morning, the whole street is very quiet.

parking their car at the entrance of this mercial and cultural street, Li Nuowei and drake got out of the car and walked along this street.

Although there was no one on the street, Li Nuwei saw many strange \creatures\. these otherworldly creatures, at odds with human daily life, stood behind the windows of roadside clothing stores and inside closed food stalls. Inside, he looked like a terminally ill mental patient, watching people walk down the street in the middle of the night through glass and fences.

drake noticed Li Nuowei's nervousness and alertness. he thought that Li Nuwei was afraid of the dark, so he couldn't help but joke. \what are you scared of?\

You can't see what you're afraid of.

Li Nuowei sighed and said, \I'm not afraid of anything. Just what do you want to find out?\

\my life's experience,\ drake said, looking at the other, \because my bloodline is inseparable from the normal organization that once dominated this city, I have no choice but to solve the abnormal situation at Liuhua port. It’s important to decipher the life experiences of people. It should have some effect.”

\how do you know that your life experience is related to Lihua port? At that time, Anhai Shenhui spread to many coastal cities, and some even spread to inland cities.\ Li Nuowei emphasized.

drake remembered the taxi driver who was sent to heaven by Li Nuowei, the respectful attitude of the other general organizations in Liuhua twelve Streets towards him, and the mysterious words he said.

they clearly had a distinct impression of his appearance. they must know the parents who gave him these facial features. whoever their parents were, they must have been deeply involved with them and had a deep connection with Ankai Shinki.

\their attitude is, they know me,\ drake said.

\Relying on intuition?\ Li Nuowei found it interesting, \It seems that our famous detective can also rely on intuition to solve crimes.\

\of course, you can trust me. Intuition is not metaphysics, but only a manifestation of some accumulated experience.\ drake smiled, the shark's teeth round and smooth, showing a cold glow in the moonlight.

the two walked down a deserted street and eventually arrived at the museum where drake had been during the day.

the front door was made of solid wood and was not suitable for entering from the front. they walked around the museum and discovered that this small converted western-style building also had a back entrance.

Li Nuowei looked at drake and said, “It depends on your violence.”
